An Update and a Thank You!

Hi All,

I posted this cry for help about a month ago:

I wanted to update those who helped and cared to answer about my mom and the dog and cat(s) situation.

Boci has been to the vet and is healthy aside from light cataracts and a small heart murmur. For 15, she is doing quite well. She went to the groomer, had all her matts shaved off, and her face trimmed. The difference is amazing! She seems much happier for it. Mom will continue to brush her (she loves it) and get her trimmed when needed.

We decided against the run outside, as Boci is so docile that my mom can walk her around the house for bathroom needs. She has also started using the puppy pads indoors! My sister-in-law comes over 2-3 times a week for long walks. She loves it, and has never had that before. Overall, she is adjusting well, not whining when my mom goes into another room, and sleeps through the night. She still loves to be close to my mom but has calmed down from her anxious self.

Kitty is doing GREAT! She loves my mom and comes up every evening for pets. She will sit between mom and Boci on the couch. She gets along with Whitey (my mom’s senior cat) and Cody (the 11-year-old), and they are co-existing well.

The only challenge is the relationship between Boci and Cody. Boci barks like crazy at him, and even though Cody swatted her the other day, she hasn’t stopped. We hope with time they’ll learn to co-exist.

Overall, the transition has been quite easy for my 79-year-old mom. She loves Boci and Kitty as much as her other 2 cats and is doing well with their care.

Again, thanks to everyone who reached out with suggestions and help when I first posted here. I truly appreciate it!

Awww, glad to hear it! :heart::paw_prints: Your mom did a very good thing by taking in Boci and Kitty when nobody else would, and it warms my heart to hear that they’re settling in at their new home now.

Thank you! I am very happy that they are both happy!

Your mum can always sit outside with her on a retractable leash for some sniff dog time. Great you’re doing great!