Does Cat Insurance Cover FIV?

Hey, I was wondering if cat insurance covers FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus)? I recently found out that my cat has it, and I’m not sure if I can get insurance coverage for it. I know it’s a pretty common virus that affects cats, but I’m still kind of confused about how insurance works for it. Any pet owners here have experience with this? Is there a way to insure a cat with FIV or is it just a no-go?

Hey, I have a similar situation. From what I’ve learned, insurance won’t cover FIV if it’s a pre-existing condition, but you can still insure your cat. You just won’t be able to claim anything related to FIV. You can still get coverage for other things like injuries, accidents, etc. Hope that clears it up a bit!

I was worried about this too! But I think Spot Pet Insurance covers FIV if your cat doesn’t have it when you enroll or during the waiting period. If they get it after the waiting period, then you should be good to go for claims related to FIV. You can also get coverage for other things like prescription diets and therapies. It’s worth looking into!

Honestly, I’ve been wondering about this too. I thought FIV would make it impossible to get insurance. Glad to know it’s still possible with the right plan. Thanks for sharing the info, y’all!

Just FYI, even if your cat has FIV, you can still get covered for other things like accidents, injuries, and even some routine care. It’s just the FIV treatment that’s off-limits, which makes sense, honestly.

For sure, I think the key is making sure your cat doesn’t have FIV when you sign up. If you’re unsure, just check with the insurance company before going through with it. Better safe than sorry!