Dog suddenly stopped using her back leg, anyone experienced this?

My dog stopped using her back leg this morning. She was fine when I woke up, but by around 10am (a couple of hours later), her back left leg was just curled up near her body/stomach. She’s old. I checked her leg with my wife and we put pressure on different parts of it, but she didn’t cry or pull away. There’s no swelling, and when I call her, she perks up and hobbles over. No one dropped anything on her or sat on her leg. The most jumping she does is getting on/off the couch. I scheduled a vet appointment for later today, but I wanted to see if anyone has experienced something similar with a good outcome?

A few months ago, I came home for lunch and found one of my cats struggling to walk. He couldn’t jump up on the bed and cried when I picked him up. His back leg was shaking. I took him to the vet immediately, but of course, when we got there, he acted completely normal (as cats do when they’re scared). It turned out he had pulled a muscle, probably when jumping down from one of his spots. A few days of pain meds and he was fine.

Thank you! I hope that’s what’s happening with her. We have hardwood floors and she slips sometimes!

How old is she and what breed? This could be something simple like arthritis. Both of my dogs have had similar issues after too much playing or exercise!

Payton said:
How old is she and what breed? This could be something simple like arthritis. Both of my dogs have had similar issues after too much playing or exercise!

She’s a mix, about 11 or 12 years old. She was originally my wife’s dog before we started dating. I think she’s part German Shepherd, but I’m not sure what else.