Feeling guilty about leaving my toxic relationship but having to leave my pets behind!

I’ve decided to leave my toxic on-again, off-again relationship for good this time. The hardest part is that I’ve stayed longer than I should have because of my pets. They are both in her name, the dog and cat. She owns the house, has a stable job, and even though I’d love to take them, they’re microchipped under her name. I’m faced with a tough choice: stay in this toxic situation or leave them behind.

The dog is more clingy, but the cat, I’m worried about her. Tonight, she started acting differently, more avoidant and even aggressive. Right now, she’s lying next to me but doesn’t want to be petted, and I know she’s beginning to grieve. She’s always been my favorite, but she’s the kind of cat who doesn’t adjust to change well. She even gets mad when I move furniture!

I feel like Friday will be the day I leave, and I think she knows it. I just want to be with them, but I know I need to leave my ex. We agreed that no contact is best, for both our sakes. I think this is also the best way for my cat to move on.

I feel guilty for breaking their hearts, though. I just want them to be happy.

They know what’s going on, and they’ll miss you just like you’ll miss them. It’s so hard, but you have to get out of this toxic relationship. In the long run, it’ll be better for everyone, even your pets.

It sounds like your ex is a good pet owner, and they’re safe. Don’t feel guilty; you’re doing what’s best for you. Just be strong.