How do you know when it's time to say goodbye?

It’s a long story, but I’ll try to keep it short. We have a beautiful tortie cat who has been with us for 14 years. She hasn’t been the easiest pet, as she was rescued from a feral colony and has stayed quite wild even though she was a kitten when we adopted her.

Over the past year, she’s started to be a bit more friendly and lets us pet her without running away. However, for the same time period, she has been using the carpet for her bathroom needs every day. We’ve taken her to the vet multiple times this year, but they keep charging a lot of money and still have no answers for us.

She was treated for a thyroid issue, and her levels are normal now, but she has continued to lose weight (from 13 lbs. to now 6 lbs.). The vet mentioned there’s some buildup in her abdomen that could be cancer, and suggested we get an ultrasound. But since the vet doesn’t have that equipment, we’d have to go to an emergency vet, which would mean spending thousands more just to possibly get a diagnosis for something we can’t treat.

The vet also suggested the problem might be a mix of behavior issues and an unknown illness. Our cat seems uncomfortable all the time but still enjoys spending time with us (something that was rare last year). My husband feels it’s time to let her go, but I can’t shake the guilt that we might be making the wrong decision. Our house smells like cat diarrhea, and she’s clearly not comfortable.

Has anyone been in this situation before? What did you decide to do?

Hi, I’m really sorry to hear about your situation. Losing a pet is so hard. I’m an animal welfare scientist, and something I keep in mind during these moments is ‘better a week too early than a day too late’ and ‘don’t let their last day be their worst.’

If she still enjoys being with you, that doesn’t mean it’s not time to say goodbye. Animals are good at hiding pain, and if she’s still spending time with you, she’s probably in more discomfort than it looks. Based on what you shared, it seems like things might only get worse. There’s no reason to wait until her discomfort turns into severe suffering. 6 lbs. is not a healthy weight for her, and it sounds like she’s not comfortable. For me, it seems better to make the decision now rather than letting her struggle more.

14 years is a long time for a cat, especially one that came from a tough background. You gave her a loving home for almost 15 years, which is amazing. The last gift you can give her is to let her go peacefully. It’s the hardest choice, but it’s what we do for our pets when we love them.

I don’t know your cat or your husband, but if he’s been with her for the last 14 years, I’m sure he cares deeply for her. If he feels it’s time, I would trust his judgment too. Sending my sympathy to you and your family.

This is such a hard choice. You need to think about all the good and bad sides. Maybe this article could help you with your decision: