My cat keeps vomiting every day and the vet isn't helping. Any ideas?

I have taken my cat, Dwight, to the vet many times, but they just say he has allergies and that I should clean more. They said his blood work looks good. I’ve cleaned constantly, but nothing helps! He doesn’t have any other symptoms like being tired, pain (he loves to play and be held), or strange bowel movements, so I’ve just been dealing with it and trying new things.

Now, I’m getting married in May, and my fiancé and I are buying new furniture. Dwight really likes to puke on the couch and rugs, even though the rest of the apartment has tile. I’m hoping someone here has a suggestion that might help.

More Details

Dwight is a 7-year-old, 13-pound domestic shorthair cat. He is an indoor cat and has lived with me since he was 3 months old. He started vomiting when he was about 1 year old. He’s neutered and up to date with his shots. Dwight eats prescription S/O dry food, with occasional prescription wet food because of a urinary blockage that happened 5 months ago. He doesn’t get any human food anymore. My partner has a black English lab that visits often, but it doesn’t seem to affect Dwight’s vomiting. His vomiting pattern has been the same before and after the dog started visiting. Most of the time, he throws up mostly digested food with few or no solid bits. This usually happens hours after he last ate, like at 2 am when he’s sleeping in my bed after eating at 5 pm.

I use an automatic feeder to give him 6 small meals a day from 8 am to 5 pm, totaling half a cup of food. I change his water 3 times daily. I scoop his litter box daily and change the litter every week. I have a large air purifier in my room, where his litter box and bed are, and I clean the apartment regularly. Before switching to prescription food, I tried 4 different sensitive digestion cat foods over several months, but none helped. I’m really at a loss now.

We had a cat for 17 years who did the same thing. We finally put him on serenia, which is an anti-nausea medication, and it stopped him from throwing up.

I had a similar issue with my cat. It turned out his pancreas was the problem.

Try elevating the automatic feeder. I had a foster cat who frequently vomited, but when we put her slow feeder on top of a Kleenex box, it pretty much solved the issue.

Could it be stress?