Why do some people dislike pets even though they are harmless?

I have two cats, a black one and a tabby named Star and Missy, and I love them dearly. But I can see why some people don’t like pets. For example, some pet owners can be irresponsible or not respect others’ boundaries. Others might be allergic or have a real phobia of animals because of past experiences. I watched a video of a guy with a strong fear of cats, and people in the comments were calling him a red flag. Personally, as long as no one is abusing or harming animals, I don’t think they’re automatically a bad person for not liking pets.

You may need to change the last sentence of your comment…

As long as people are NOT abusive to or harming animals…etc

Lin said:
You may need to change the last sentence of your comment…

As long as people are NOT abusive to or harming animals…etc

Thanks for pointing that out! Sorry about the mistake. As I said, I love animals and would never condone abuse of pets.

Yeah, I had a supervisor who was afraid of almost all animals due to bad experiences as a child. She didn’t hate them or say anything nasty to me or my other animal-loving coworker for talking about pets, but she didn’t want them near her. If we had any animal-related tasks, she’d have us do them, which we didn’t mind.

Tangentially related, but my fiancé’s brother had a volunteer (kind of like a state-approved friend) who was afraid of animals. He wouldn’t even come inside the house; he’d just sit in his car on his phone instead. Despite all the animals being locked away, even the chickens, he still wouldn’t do his job. It was disappointing to see, as my fiancé’s brother really needed that socialization. They’re trying to find him a new volunteer.

Yeah, I think it’s similar to being scared of spiders or tight spaces for some people.

I have two cats that just appeared in my life. They’re very clingy and always want attention. Between that and all the fur, I can see why some people don’t want pets. But they’re part of my family now, and I make sure they are treated well.

Lol, mine just showed up at my door and never left.

Exactly! I adore my cats, but I don’t expect everyone else to love them. As long as they don’t mistreat them. Also, some people with neurodivergence or OCD might feel sensory overload, and it can be draining for them.

I think this is a spectrum. Sometimes, it’s a red flag. I’ve been on dates with guys who hated cats just because they thought it wasn’t manly. That’s a red flag. But I’ve also met people who had bad experiences with dogs or just don’t think pets would fit into their lives. That makes sense. And some people are just indifferent and don’t want pets, which I respect. But I’ve also met pet owners who are abusive to animals, and that’s definitely a red flag. I have a dog who’s my third pet, and her breed can be a bit tricky with young kids. She was punished for being her breed, but I’ve trained her to be good with most kids. That same couple also wanted to get rid of their senior dog to get a rabbit. So yeah, I think it all depends on the reason.

I agree, it depends on the reason. But I don’t think people who don’t like animals are automatically bad people.

I don’t care how unpopular this is, I don’t think adults should be openly against innocent beings that need us to survive and have good lives. What kind of intolerant person is that? If someone doesn’t have enough patience for animals, they need help. Especially if they can’t even voice their concerns properly.

I love animals, but expecting everyone else to love them is unrealistic. For example, being mauled by an aggressive dog as a child could lead to a phobia. I think bad pet owners, like bad parents, ruin it for everyone.

I couldn’t agree more. I trust my dogs more than people and usually prefer their company.

It’s like saying, ‘I understand why some people don’t like babies.’ Like, really?

Why should someone be called a ‘bad person’ just because they don’t like pets? It’s a personal choice. Sometimes it’s even out of their control, like medical reasons. I don’t understand why you mentioned abuse in your comment. That’s a completely separate issue.

I’ve seen a lot of people equate not liking animals to abuse, but I don’t think that’s fair.