Why does my cat meow a lot at night now?

My 2-year-old cat used to be pretty quiet, but recently she has started meowing a lot during the night. She has food, water, and a clean litter box, so I’m not sure why she’s doing this. Is she bored, or could she be trying to tell me something?

Is she spayed?

My cat meows when he carries his toys around, especially at night. Could yours be doing something similar?

Niko said:
My cat meows when he carries his toys around, especially at night. Could yours be doing something similar?

One of my cats does this too. She brings her toys into the bedroom, making a racket, hoping we’ll wake up and play with her.

Mine does this too! He carries a loofah or one of those bendy hair curlers and yells. It’s been better since we got another cat who actually plays with him!

When my mom snores, her cat puts a paw on her face to stop her. Maybe your cat is hearing you snore and wants you to stop? Or, could she be trying to wake you up because of sleep apnea? If not, it might just be for attention. Have you noticed if she’s meowing at you or something else, like a window or another animal outside?

She does it right after I turn off the light, before I fall asleep.

Neve said:
She does it right after I turn off the light, before I fall asleep.

That could be her wanting attention, or maybe her night vision isn’t as good. Have you noticed if she’s confused when it gets dark?

My cat also meows a lot around bedtime, usually at 10 PM.

Morgan said:
My cat also meows a lot around bedtime, usually at 10 PM.

Mine do the same thing. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10 PM or 2 AM—once I’m in bed, they start meowing and wrestling each other.

If she’s not spayed, it could be her being in heat. Otherwise, if she’s healthy, she might just want attention. Cats are more active at night and early in the morning.

Is she meowing at you or something else? Like near a specific spot or at the door? She could just want attention or maybe something is bothering her.

Harley said:
Is she meowing at you or something else? Like near a specific spot or at the door? She could just want attention or maybe something is bothering her.

She sits by the entrance door and meows loudly.

Maybe she’s curious about what’s outside. It’s hard not knowing what they’re thinking!

I think it’s normal. My cat meows loudly when he comes back from being outside, almost like he’s announcing he’s back.

This happens with my cat too. She yowls at night because she wants to play. Try tiring her out with more playtime during the day—it could help.

My cat sometimes yells at me to come lie down so he can cuddle. Other times, he wants me to refill his food bowl if he can see the bottom, even if there’s food left!

She might be hearing another cat outside and letting them know she’s interested.

My cat does this too! He meows as I’m getting into bed, then jumps in and settles down.

Our cats get the zoomies after bedtime sometimes. Is she spayed? That might help if she isn’t.