Why is my dog pooping out bird seed? Should I be worried?

Try giving her canned pumpkin. Not pie mix, just plain pumpkin. It helps dogs poop and also fixes butt-dragging. She probably doesn’t need a vet visit unless she swallowed something like bones or a corn cob.

If your dog isn’t pooping normal-looking poop, I’d recommend a vet visit. My dog once ate some bird seed, but luckily, it didn’t cause any issues. Since your dog is only passing small amounts and seems constipated, there might be a blockage. I’d say a vet visit is needed.

You should mix some canned pumpkin into her dog food.

Try pureeing pumpkin and pears. The bird seed might be uncomfortable for her, so this could help.

Definitely give her pumpkin. You could also try diluted chicken broth with no sodium if she’s having liquid stool.

Take her to the vet and ask them to send the bill to your parents.

Brett said:
Take her to the vet and ask them to send the bill to your parents.

Most vets require payment at the time of service, but they might work something out if it’s an emergency.