A few years ago, I moved out, but recently had to move back in with my parents because of money problems. While I was gone, they got a big dog. The problem is they don’t really take care of him. They keep him outside all day, don’t train him or socialize him, and don’t even take him on walks. The dog is constantly barking and growling at anyone who walks by, and the only thing my parents do is yell at him. I’ve asked them why they even got a dog if they weren’t planning to take care of him properly, but they just don’t respond.
I’ve been staying at their house for 3 weeks now, and the dog is still growling and barking at me. I feel scared and uncomfortable, and I hate seeing him act this way. It’s clear to me that this dog deserves a better life, with a family who will train him and give him attention. I even suggested rehoming him, but my parents refuse. It’s frustrating, selfish, and I don’t know what else to do.
You might want to contact your local animal control or humane society. They might have advice. Back when I had similar issues with my neighbors, they weren’t much help, but I’ve heard they’ve improved since then.
Where do you live? I’d check for any local rescues around. They often have Instagram pages and are good about responding if you reach out.
Have you tried to pet the dog or interact with him?
This situation is definitely abuse, and honestly, your family’s opinion doesn’t really matter here. The dog’s well-being is more important than keeping him in that environment.
Zayden said:
Try giving the dog some treats. It might help to build trust.
Living with people who don’t take care of things is exhausting.
Maybe start by just sitting near the dog and seeing how he reacts. Don’t stare at him too much; just let him get used to your presence. You can keep treats in your pocket, let him smell them, but don’t force anything. I hope you both can become friends. Please try to find other options before sheltering him.
You could report them to animal control, but do it anonymously so they won’t know it was you. Tell them you’re a neighbor who’s been harassed by the dog and that you think he’s been neglected. They’ll investigate it.
Yeah, we took our dog to a trainer, and they suggested shaking the can to get their attention when they’re doing something wrong. For example, if they’re trying to steal food or get over a baby gate. It might help stop the dog from lunging at you.
The dog is probably scared.
What breed is he? Try researching his breed. Also, what’s his name? Maybe you can find out what kind of snacks he likes or where he likes to be scratched. Good luck, and sorry your parents aren’t helping.