So, I’ve been curious about Yorkies and their shedding. I’ve heard people say they don’t shed, but I wasn’t sure if that’s true or not. Apparently, Yorkies have human-like hair that doesn’t shed as much as other breeds. They only shed a little when brushed or bathed. Sounds pretty good, right? Anyone else here with a Yorkie? Do you have to groom them a lot or is it really true that they shed so little?
I’ve got a Yorkie and yep, they don’t shed much at all. I brush him regularly to keep his coat looking nice. Just need to stay on top of grooming, that’s all.
Mackenzie said:
I’ve got a Yorkie and yep, they don’t shed much at all. I brush him regularly to keep his coat looking nice. Just need to stay on top of grooming, that’s all.
Same here! I think grooming is a big part of keeping them looking good. Does your Yorkie have the full-length coat or a shorter cut?
Full-length coat. It’s gorgeous but takes a bit of work. I try to brush him every day, especially to prevent tangling.
I had no idea Yorkies were like that! My friend has one and their dog barely sheds. I thought it was just because of how small they are, lol.
Kai said:
I had no idea Yorkies were like that! My friend has one and their dog barely sheds. I thought it was just because of how small they are, lol.
Haha, yeah, it’s crazy, right? I was expecting a lot more shedding! But turns out they just don’t do it as much.
If you keep them on a good diet and groom them regularly, their coat stays pretty nice. Also, I heard adding omega-3 fatty acids helps keep the coat looking shiny.
Nile said:
If you keep them on a good diet and groom them regularly, their coat stays pretty nice. Also, I heard adding omega-3 fatty acids helps keep the coat looking shiny.
I didn’t know about the omega-3 part. Does that really make a difference?
Yeah! It helps with skin and coat quality. I noticed a difference when I started adding it to their diet.
I’ve been thinking of getting a Yorkie. Sounds like less shedding is a huge win, especially for people who have allergies. Is it true they’re hypoallergenic?
Linden said:
I’ve been thinking of getting a Yorkie. Sounds like less shedding is a huge win, especially for people who have allergies. Is it true they’re hypoallergenic?
Yeah, I’ve heard that too. They’re not 100% hypoallergenic, but they shed way less than most breeds. Definitely easier for people with allergies.
I read that Yorkies don’t shed because they have a single coat instead of the usual double coat that sheds. Makes sense, but it also means you have to groom them a lot more.
Ali said:
I read that Yorkies don’t shed because they have a single coat instead of the usual double coat that sheds. Makes sense, but it also means you have to groom them a lot more.
Exactly! They don’t have that shedding season like most dogs, but yeah, brushing is key. Not a huge deal once you get used to it.