My pet sheep ate rat poison once. He pulled through, but it was a messy situation for my dad when he threw up.
Jem said:
Remind me in 2 days
You’ll get a reminder in 2 days.
Ollie said:
If it’s been over 12 hours with no symptoms, that’s a positive sign. Hoping for the best for your dog.
It’s been between 13 and 19 hours. Still no symptoms.
Fingers crossed your pup makes it!
Sending healing prayers
My Jack Russell once chewed on rat poison. Thankfully, I caught him quickly and got him to vomit it up right away with salt. Hoping for the best for your dog.
Sending all the positive vibes to you and your brave pup. Stay strong!
One of my dogs got into rat poison once. Dogs are just drawn to it, for some reason. Hope yours will be alright.
Just wanted to give you some hope. I’ve been a vet tech for years, and every case of poison ingestion we’ve seen has pulled through. Keep the faith!
Keep us updated! Come on, sweet pup!
Rat poison is cruel to the animal and harmful to others who might eat the carcass. Please consider other options.
Two of our pups got into rat poison once. It was scary, but they made it with prompt care. Hang in there.
Bowie said:
Two of our pups got into rat poison once. It was scary, but they made it with prompt care. Hang in there.
Vitamin K works for anticoagulants, but it’s not effective for the type of poison OP’s dog ate.
Our puppy once ate a bottle of ibuprofen. He was in rough shape, but another vet saved his life. I hope your dog has a similar outcome. So far, no symptoms as of 10 pm is a good sign.
Avoid using poison if you can. It’s a risk to pets, and other animals who might eat them. Hoping for a safe recovery for your dog.
Was it anticoagulant poison? Those need vitamin K.
Ren said:
Was it anticoagulant poison? Those need vitamin K.
It was bromethalin, unfortunately.
Ren said:
Was it anticoagulant poison? Those need vitamin K.
Is he going to die?
Remind me in 2 days
Jem said:
Remind me in 2 days
RemindMe! 2 days