What dog skin problems need better solutions? Any ideas?

Hey everyone! I’ve noticed that finding the right products for certain dog skin problems can be really tough. From dry patches to tear stains, it seems like some issues don’t get enough attention. What skin problems do you think need better solutions? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

More options that are completely chicken-free

Shawn said:
More options that are completely chicken-free

Exactly, and I wish companies would tell us when they’ve changed a product. For example, a Costco Kirkland food was recently changed, and I only noticed because I checked the ingredients one day. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have known! Thankfully, I always have other food for my chicken-sensitive dog, but it was frustrating because I buy that food every month for my bigger dogs. It wasn’t a huge change, but they added chicken fat for some reason. I wish they’d just go back to the original recipe without it.

I’m happy that you can browse chicken-free options on Chewy, but chicken is a big allergen for many dogs.

My poor Dachshund cross has to get allergy shots now. We had no idea he was allergic until we accidentally fed him turkey and chicken food, thinking it was fine. He started getting itchy and grumpy. We didn’t realize what was happening until the allergy shampoo wasn’t working for him anymore. After talking to the vet, we figured out it was the food. Before this, we fed him fish or lamb-based food, which was safe for him.

Instead of just giving meds for skin issues, we need better options for single-protein foods or even grain-free foods to rule out food allergies. A lot of skin issues are related to allergies, whether from food or fleas.

I’d also love to see better quality flea products available without a prescription. So many of the ones available over the counter don’t work very well. But people use them, and if their dog or cat develops skin issues, they often ignore fleas as a cause. It’s sad because the products people are using aren’t effective, and it leads to issues like hair loss in pets, especially with outdoor cats.