What’s the funniest animal name you’ve ever heard?

Once met a cat named Sidewalk. Not sure why, but it was oddly fitting.

When I was a kid, I named our cat Harry Barry Ford… still don’t know why.

We’ve rescued many boxers over the years… had one named Yahoo who was like an unofficial therapy dog. Always took ages to get down to grandma’s room with all the folks wanting to say hi to him.

An old cat of ours was named Ballsy. He came from the woods and had… well, a lot of ‘personality’.

Jesus Christ… yes, that was actually the cat’s name.

Had a hedgehog named Hugh Hogner and a female hamster called David Hamsterhoff. We got a lot of laughs with those names!

Chairman… Chairman Meow.

My tiny, always-worried cat is called Kitten Little… because the sky is always falling in her world.

Fluffy… he was a pit bull.

My cats were named Myers and Voorhees… yes, horror fans here.

Milan said:
My cats were named Myers and Voorhees… yes, horror fans here.

Those are seriously cool names!

Some friends had a cat called Mad Dog and another called Bacon Sandwich. Their dog’s name? Pig.

My tortoise wiggles her tail when excited, so I call her Turtwiggle. Then I’ve got a cat named Soundwave because his ears are always on high alert, and a frog named Salad who’ll eat anything. And there’s my tarantula… named Psychopath.

Met a bearded dragon named Jean-Ralphio (from Parks & Rec). Couldn’t think of a better name!

Friend has a Bengal cat named Bebop. Not sure why, but it suits him.

Sir Gerald Nabarro has a pet prawn called Simon. And Alan Bullock has two pikes, both named Chris… couldn’t make this up.

We have a regular dog patient named ‘Bobbie Dangles’ at our clinic… makes me laugh every time.

Had two cats named Broccoli and Spinach… no real reason, just felt right.

Our cats are Luke and Leia (yes, siblings) and the dog’s name is Artoo. It’s a whole theme.

Notdoug. When people ask his name, we say, ‘Well, it’s Not Doug’… always gets a laugh.